The Logic of Patient Transactions

The Logic of Patient Transactions

Logic is the fundamental operation of providers to assess and make decisions from patient centered data. The logical operations are high dimensional, in fact using the most prolific and diverse information of any health care entity in the Network. Even though the patient is the lowest scale as a single person in the Network which can be comprised of millions of persons, the relevant data the provider caring for a single patient must be aware of is large. The information over time of a single patient, compared to others classified as similar, using evidence from large populations for purposes of statistical significance, balanced by experience of the provider of record, is quite complex. This is what knowing dimensionality of information addresses.

Provider Logic in HCn3D drives the specificity of the patient through the information channels of the Network at any scale. This is a reverse flow from the bottom up intended to balance population centered data that does not reflect patient specificity.

Prior Information
In Logic all information about the patient, about what is known about other patients or populations, guidelines, evidence based medicine, past history of the patient or other similar patients.
The logic of a medical decision begins with an event, is classified by prior information, which stages an action in response to the event. The action can be a set of possible acts, with one or more appropriate for the event classified by prior information.
In Logic the outcome is as granular as the action or act. Aggregating Logic for the Network changes the type of outcome from patient centered to group and population based. The patient centered logic may be as specific as the result of a test, response to a medication; whereas at the population level, the outcome may be survival, complications of treatments, or response aggregated by group classification by priors.

Morise Scores are ripe for the application of HCn3D concepts. Use of the score is an example of applying provider logic at the inflection point and hence is transactional. The “multivariable equation” used to compute the score is an example of the potential for high dimensionality at the inflection point, in this case an EST (Exercise Stress Test). HCn3D can perform calculations on entire populations to train a model that is then used for prognosis.

(PPT) Exercise Treadmill Scoring System, Anthony P. Morise, MD, Professor of Medicine, WVU School of Medicine

Healthcare in 3 Dimensions is a system to optimize and assess the delivery of healthcare using counterfactual analysis of care paths, managing costs without sacrificing the individuality of the patient.


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